Monday, September 03, 2007

Knitting Is A Labor

....supposedly of love. Ha! Not these last few months it hasn't. I actually finished knitting the vintage sweater I had started about 2 years ago. Unbelievable, right? Well, the sleeve caps are smaller than the armhole and it will require some doing if you know what I mean. So, that's project #1 that has me mad. I figure that I'll use up some of the stash and start #2...Twinkle cardi from VK...things were really cranking along on this baby. When I tried it on, the top is smaller than I thought it would be, and the bottom portion done in the chevron pattern is huge!!! So now project #2 has me good and mad. What do you do?

Start project #3....tunic from garnstudio...I really was lovin' this, and got about 8 inches done when I noticed the waving cables on either side were wrong. Wanna see? Yeah, it sucks. So, I went back to the website, rechecked the chart and the directions. No, I wrote it all out longhand, but it was right. This little conundrum bothered me for 2 days. I recently received my latest copy of Rebecca and decided that maybe that cable chart there was better. See, the tunic from garnstudio is almost like the one in Rebecca. Yep...the chart on the website is backward from the explanation. Do I hear r-r-r-i-i-pp? Sad to say, I did. All that work for nada. Good thing today is Labor Day, because that's what I've got ahead of me.
P.S. Did I mention that I actually got gauge, too?