Sunday, November 11, 2012


Ok,ok...I know I missed a few weeks of posting about my AE blankie (specifically weeks 5, 6,and 7), but I have been lured by other wips. I finally finished a sweater that had been lingering around since April, and a pair of summer socks. I tried to do an overdye on some yarn I botched, and sad to say, it didn't come out dark enough. I have total respect for indie dyers who do such a great job. What else? Oh yeah...this.
A 100% wool sweater I found for $2.50 at a thrift store. I plan to unravel this and maybe dye it. This pink is a sickening shade, so dye it , I will. Of course, I didn't think this one through enough, should have spotted those machine buttonholes, so there will be some yarn lost. Live and learn. And if that isn't enough, I started another pair of stranded socks.