Sunday, October 30, 2005

Concerting Again!

Last night I had the opportunity to see Yngwie Malmsteen at a smallish theater. I'd say the capacity was for 500 or so. Luckily, we sat in the balcony area and had a dead on view of the performance. If you were one of the fanatics, the spot to be was on the main floor...but NO SEATING! Sorry, but I gotta sit to enjoy the show. Anyway, for what little I know about Malmsteen, I thought he did a good job albeit the pa sysytem was turned up to 5 million decibels. I knew he was an accomplished guitarist, but I certainly wasn't expecting any singing. Whoever the lead singer was, well, this person could have done without it. The music can speak for itself!

In knitting news, I did complete the back of the mini vest, and one front. I am knitting the right front, and then of course, assemble and do bands all around. I have a sneaking suspicion that I may run out of KW. I personally don't know if I'm up to another search for the right dyelot. Cross your fingers. I'll need it.

And since I probably won't post for awhile, I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween!!

Every year the store puts up this killer pumpkin, and every year I say I want a photo of it....So there ya go! Have a HAPPY ONE!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

It's Fall...all about food!

See that? They are Florida pecans. Who knew that in FL pecans could be grown? They are my favorite kind of nuts, and I've been shelling them like a mad woman in order to bake a pecan pie. I love to bake, but can't stand to cook....and when the weather gets cooler, I somehow become more domestic in the kitchen. Also, I've been meaning to blog about these snackcakes. I am a huge snacker with a wicked sweet tooth, and when I heard on the radio about these little cakes, I've been on the hunt ever since. They are Nemo cakes...sell 'em at Walgreen's for 89 cents. I've tried just about every one, and so far these are my faves--the chocolate cake, cinnamon bun, and carrot cake. Yummy!
And since we're on the subject of are my all time favorite barbeque potato chips which are not available in FL... When I photographed this bag of chips, I know that Nettie thought I had lost my mind! (these are available in the midwest, as far as I know)

Since this is a knitting blog, you're probably wondering what I've been doing. In between shelling, I've almost completed the back of the mini bolero vest. I've also been trying to finish a shrug I started several months ago. Now that it's cooler, the rush is on. As you know, the socks were abandoned..sorry, Mom...and I am also itching to start 2 -yep, 2-secret projects. I think there are too many projects to be done, and having to work sucks too much time away from the important thing in life...namely, Knitting!

One last thing, but certainly of Major Importance...I GOT BON JOVI TICKETS!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Warning! Warning, Will Robinson!

Catchy title, huh? That's to let ya know that there's complaining ahead...but on with the knitting first. As you see, I finished the Cocoon Vest. Specs below:
pattern-from a Craftster
yarn: Kool Wool in grass-6 skeins, although the pattern called for 8
needles-size 11 Clovers

I didn't make any alterations to the pattern. The only thing was in putting it together. The arms gaped so widely, so I sewed the collar more at an angle. After wearing it today, one side seems still more gaping than the other. I may do it again in red.

As for Neil...he Rocked the house! My friend, who I'll refer to as Red from here on out, had read some reviews which said he "talked" most of the lyrics. Well, if one listens closely to his old stuff, one realizes that he didn't really sing the lyrics back then! I loved him, and I thought he put on a great show. Red and I were some of the youngest folks there. The 60 and up crowd were really getting hammered! Anyway, I'd say the venue was 95% sold out.-including those dreaded seats behind the stage. Red and I really enjoyed ourselves and plan on getting together for our next event. May I have a drumroll please.....BON JOVI!!!!!
I bitched and moaned in another post about this, and on the way home to get ready for Neil, it was announced on the radio!! Now, here's where the complaining begins. Red heard about the advance ticket sale that was to take place on Friday--after Neil. But then, if Hurricane Wilma didn't screw things up...Ticketmaster did! They go on sale this Saturday since we are not part of some elite group that has a special password to get the tickets on Friday. I say this is complete and utter b. s. Why should some people get a password and others don't? Concerts have always been a conspiratorial event to me. I'm referring to the tix sales. You can be first in line and get tix all the way in the back of the theater! I say this because last year I got up at the crack of dawn to wait at the box office to see Da Man, and the closest they had was 20th row! Come on, already!! Give us little guys a chance to get the good seats.

Back to my segway? What segway?
I am determined to finish a shrug I started several months ago, and I am almost finished with a purse. I just need to find some lining for it. Guess this means it really was never Footober for me!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Diamond(s) are a girl's best friend!

Ok, still trying to get a hang of this blogger photo posting! Anyhoo...I thought it might be fun to show you pics of Neil Diamond from 1972. Yeah, you read that right...I am an old one, but I still love his music! This Thursday night, my girlfriend and I are going to see him in concert. We've had the tickets since May! The down side will be that I won't be able to take pics of him due to tightened security measures at the well as a thorough check of each and every person. Evidently, it takes quite a while, so we will be arriving early. Paul McCartney's concert was pushed back 30 minutes due to the security check! I mean please! Leave your weapons at home, people! You've just spent a buttload of money to see a enjoy it already! Don't start a riot!

Also, tomorrow is knitting group! Yea! Always an interesting night. I've never photographed anyone there, but I'm afraid to ask. We have our regulars, but some folks are sporadic. I plan to continue on with the cocoon vest. BTW, I incorrectly stated that it was a copy from Urban's actually a copy of one from Bebe.

Something I neglected to mention was that the Hancock's conspiracy continues. Over the weekend, I cruised over to another county to see what they had in KW since I was told over the phone, they didn't have it.Well, here we go again! I get to the store, and there it is!! Lots of it! I accumulated more eggplant, black, and white, and the supposed discontinued tomato. By my count, I only lack 1 skein of eggplant to make a sweater, so above mentioned girlfriend, will be checking in her county after the whole Neil extravaganza! I hope she can get it...if not...I have a back up plan. Oh, and of course, I had to haggle to get it for 99 cents! Is there a project in mind? You betcha! Let's chat about it next time, shall we??

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Kool Wool Kabling aka Hancock's is Sneaky

Since the announcement that Lion Brand was discontinuing "Cotton Ease", and I guess "Kool Wool", too, I have been on a rampage trying to collect as much as I can. Let me say, I was either checking in at the local store or phoning, but with no results. I pretty much quit calling when I returned from K.C. at the beginning of Sept. On a whim, I went to the store...what should my eyes feast on??? A clearance bin of yarn for 99 cents!!! Alas, I was too late for the CE, but I did get some KW. Then, I decide to call the other store in town. The sales person tells me they have no such yarn on clearance. Well, you know that new cell phone commercial where they're showing how poor customer service is? Yeah, I drove down anyway, and there was my beloved KW. Oh, but not for 99, I tell my mom..."Get ready. There may be an incident." I approach said register to dicover that the cashier is also the manager on duty. She asks if she can help me, and I tell her I have a problem. I then proceed to ask her why the other locale has it for 99 cents and they still have it for $3.89 with 30% off. She looks at me strangely and then says..."hmm... I don't know why." I offer to go out to my car and get the goods and my receipt, and she me my yarn for 99 cents a ball!! Yea! I love when there's no incident!

Yes, I do have one project in mind...ok. I started the project with the "grass" green yarn It's the cocoon vest from craftster. The pattern was based on a vest from Urban Outfitters. Don't ya think it will look great with brown pants? I've gotten this much done, and am about to start ball 2. The pattern called for 8 balls, so we'll see.

The ivory and eggplant are destined to be Rebecca sweaters...patterns unknown at this time. It's a great sub for GGH Goa. And, my original point? KW lends itself to great definition when cabling!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Imitation Is The Highest Form of Flattery, Right?

Ok, so when I went on vacation, I was out shopping with a girlfriend when I spied this corduroy jacket---
I knew I had to have it, but so not for $44.00. BTW, it's since been marked to $34.99 if you shop online. Anyway, I am a jack of all trades, and decided to do it myself! Yep. Another project....someone shoot me now! I went to the thrift store, and finally found a jacket for $7.17. As you can see, it had it's share of issues, but was perfect for the recon! A ladie's size 14 that I had to wheedle down to a junior 7. I purchased 4 packages of seam lace because I couldn't find any eyelet in red. (I had considered buying white and dying it, but this was already gonna be a job.) Oh, and the lace was $1.35 a package. Drumroll please....

I already wore it to work, and had a few compliments, so that made me feel pretty good. My sewing is not all that, ok? That's why I went to pursue other crafts...hoping to find my nitche. So...what do ya think???

Friday, October 07, 2005

ESP? Deja Vu? Or a simple coinkydink?

A couple of weekends ago I was sitting on the couch knitting(duh), and I was thinking about this yarn shop that's about 50 minutes away from where I live. I don't frequent this shop because of the drive butI will say they always have some great stuff. Anyway, there I was sitting, and then b-r-r-ing! b-r-r-ing! I pick up the phone and it's the owner of the shop! So when I told her I was just thinking about her, I REALLY and TRULY meant it! She said she got a cell phone to use to call her long distance customers, and did I ever get the yarn I wanted? Well, I couldn't believe my luck. When I went to K.C., one of things I was hoping to get was some Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece, but none of the shops I visited carried it! Yep! Hubbo and I zipped up to the shop, and here's the bounty!
I know. I went up for the orchid color , and well, things got a bit out of control! That's why I have to start knitting up the stash! But, she had some older knitting patterns and I couldn't pass them up. The pattern in the upper right portion of the pic is destined to be made in the Cotton Fleece. I am undecided about the color. I'll have to make some adjustments to the pattern because it's a bit too boxy, and the sleeves look like they drag down on the arms, but I love it anyway.

Check out the newspaper in the center. I thought it would make a cute centerpiece for the yarn. Essentially the article talked about the 5 ways to improve your blog, and gave some local web addresses to check out.
I won't post a pic of the Rebecca sweater with the dratted ribbing, but I am going to start the lace portion tonight. I hate following charts. I guess I am "old school." I much prefer it written out. Can you believe I am already burnt out on the socks? Yeah, and I haven't even reached the heel flap yet. Sigh. Oh, and I am going to show my latest FO this weekend, so stay tuned!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

It's My Blog and I'll Whine if I Want To

Things are NOT going well at Chez Chibisan...Yes, I found a pattern for Mom's socks, and am cruising right along...But, a girl can't live on feet projects alone, right? So, I decided to revisit the summer sweater from Rebecca that I started months ago. When I knit the front, everything worked out beautifully. But then, the back instructions were complete and total jibberish to me. I emailed Marcia Cleary. She and I go round for about 3 emails, and I can't exactly explain what happened on her end, but she kept asking me if she had ever sent me the solution. Long story short, I never got an explanation. Don't misunderstand me... she obviously is a busy lady, and I also saw one of her designs made it to VK. Ok, so then I had done about 6 inches of more of that dratted ribbing when I discovered I had done it incorrectly...rrrrrrip! I do it again. I throw said project in the corner to let it pout. I pick it up today and am 1" from the start of the lacework, and see that I had done the ribbing wrong AGAIN!!! RRRRRIP!! So, I am doing said ribbing for time #3. And my solution? Make the back the same as the front and get this biotch off the needles!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

October is Footober!!

Sorry the pic is so dark...those digital cameras can't be relied on...or is it the photographer? Ahem..where was I? Ah...Footober. These are my materials for the next 2 projects that I Must Do this month. The Noro and Cascade 220 is for felted clogs for my friend, Nettie...the Cascade Fixation for a pair of socks for my mom. I'm thinking of using the broadripple pattern again, but I'd really rather not. Any suggestions? I'm finicky like that. I prefer to use a different pattern every time...sure quells the boredom factor.
Moms are so patient, but I think it's wearing thin...especially after she sees all the other projects I have started and/or finished. Her subtlety? "What ever happened to the socks you were going to make for me?" If you are Asian, ya know what I mean about Asian moms! Ha!
As far as the IK ribbed shrug, I have to start the last cuff ruffle, then seam. Phew! That ribbing really can do ya in, but I always love the look of ribbing.
I never did mention that I had started Spring Fling while I was in K.C. I figured all that ribbing would be good airplane knitting--I cast on with plastic circulars. I decided to pick it up and look at the pattern directions again. BIG BOO BOO! I really am stupid sometimes. Ok, most of the time. But, a rippin' I must go. How did I ever miss the part about size 4 to cast on, then go to 6s for the lace? Geesh! The darn thing will be too small if I leave it the way it is...bummer. I think what will happen is that it will be punished.--and stay in the wip corner til it can learn to play with the big kids!