Saturday, October 29, 2005

It's Fall...all about food!

See that? They are Florida pecans. Who knew that in FL pecans could be grown? They are my favorite kind of nuts, and I've been shelling them like a mad woman in order to bake a pecan pie. I love to bake, but can't stand to cook....and when the weather gets cooler, I somehow become more domestic in the kitchen. Also, I've been meaning to blog about these snackcakes. I am a huge snacker with a wicked sweet tooth, and when I heard on the radio about these little cakes, I've been on the hunt ever since. They are Nemo cakes...sell 'em at Walgreen's for 89 cents. I've tried just about every one, and so far these are my faves--the chocolate cake, cinnamon bun, and carrot cake. Yummy!
And since we're on the subject of are my all time favorite barbeque potato chips which are not available in FL... When I photographed this bag of chips, I know that Nettie thought I had lost my mind! (these are available in the midwest, as far as I know)

Since this is a knitting blog, you're probably wondering what I've been doing. In between shelling, I've almost completed the back of the mini bolero vest. I've also been trying to finish a shrug I started several months ago. Now that it's cooler, the rush is on. As you know, the socks were abandoned..sorry, Mom...and I am also itching to start 2 -yep, 2-secret projects. I think there are too many projects to be done, and having to work sucks too much time away from the important thing in life...namely, Knitting!

One last thing, but certainly of Major Importance...I GOT BON JOVI TICKETS!!!

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