Monday, February 08, 2010

Poor Neglected Blog

Blogging seems so tedious anymore, and I ask myself why continue? I started this to document my fos, but with the advent of ravelry, it seems pointless. Sometime down the road, I'll probably abandon it altogether like so many others have.

Anyway, I do want to say that I've been super busy. Between remodeling a new home and being crafty, I've been able to finish quite a few wips.
Unphot0graphed, but hope to camera batteries...:
Anthro inspired pudding pie cardi
beaded crochet top from Patons Spring Style
one Spring Fling sock
Global warming-just a few finishing details
Lush Lace Pullover
sewn 2 new tunic tops-Hillary Duff pattern

Wips I wish were done:
Baby doll top from Patons Spring Fling
Quilt top=machine quilted
Rebecca v-neck top
Rebecca wool dress
Crochet vest from "Make It Yourself"
Vertical detail top from Patons Fall in Love
Crochet "barn coat"

So, you know how it goes....I started yet another new project! Drops 99-4....will my meandering never cease? Highly unlikely. Hope to post photos soon!