Thursday, June 19, 2008

Too Hot

Man, I just don't have the energy to take and upload photos...not that anything is finished. I'm still trying to crank along on the gathered cardi, and it really is coming out quite well. The lower part is what is taking forever! All that stockinette, then the seed stitch border. It may kill me. And let's not forget, I still have both sleeves to do.
My knock off Juliet did not come out as in the world do you convert a lace pattern that is meant to be done from the bottom up to top down?? Any ideas? The fit is perfect. I still need to decide on how I'm going to make the closures...either i cord or crochet. It's sitting in the pile of "come on already. Finish me!"
I decided to check out garnstudio, and what do you know? They already have their fall line up posted...a few spoke to me but nothing wowed me.
Last thought...I am considering "Tomato" for my next project....more LB cotton ease to the rescue!