this little ole blog. I have to be honest and say that 2009 hasn't been treating this household too well. My job seemed to be in danger for awhile, but now things have leveled off, and all they have done is reduce my hours. Still hurts the pocketbook, if ya know what I mean. The stress level has been high, and I haven't felt like knitting any of my projects. I decided to take a few vacation days before that got loused up, too. What's a person to do?
I've been sewing and knitting doll clothes as a form of therapy, and have tried unsuccessfully to win some dolls on ebay. Now that I have a new laptop, I haven't quite figured out all the kinks with uploading photos from my camera. Here's one for ya...but I can't guarantee the quali
ty. My fave is the Hello Kitty sweater. I'm probably going to join the doll clothes group on Ravelry and post more photos there. Would love to see and hear about other bloggers who make and knit doll clothes. There aren't a lot of people who blog about Vogue Ginny dolls.
For now, this is it. I hope to come out of my funk soon. That Rebecca dress needs to be done!