Wednesday, September 28, 2005
It's Finally Happened
And if I haven't said this...I love Bon Jovi! Why, oh, why won't my faves tour in Florida????? Go get their latest cd "Have A Nice Day." Reminds me a bit of their older stuff.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
A FO (?)-Ta da!!!
This is what I have secretly been working on since the minute I returned from vacation... Another vintage item from a McCall's Needlework June 1984! Is it really vintage when it's only 20 years old? Hey, to me, if it's not from the 90's or thereafter, it becomes vintage! Since Christine asked, I used some of the CE from KC to make this puppy up...I hate to gauge swatch, and didn', it did come out way too big, but I've pared down the sides a bit, and I think it's going to fit. I haven't taken care of any of the ends because..... Yes, it's another WIP. A week ago I decided I better knit up some of the stash, so here it is! It's the ribbed shrug pattern from IK's staff project. Miles and miles of ribbing, but I think I'm gonna like it. Here's the real kicker. I actually have a tank top in the same shade of pink as the yarn. Oh yes, and I'm making it long sleeved since I'm not too keen on 3/4 length. The yarn is Cara Mia in mulberry, and it really is soft. Can't figure out why C & C discontinued it...probably because of price resistance. When regular folks go to craft stores to buy yarn, they certainly aren't looking to spend $7.99 a skein. I made a Tahki bolero out of the white, and I loved it. When Joann's had the 50% off the clearance, I scooped some up at $2.50 a ball! Such a cheap one I am!!!
Sunday, September 25, 2005
My Last Story
Ok, this is the last, but certainly not the least of my stories about K.C. First off, I admit it...I am addicted to Cotton Ease, and being a bit late on the uptake, I didn't stash when the goods were available. I thought there would be some lingering about town, but let me tell ya, everyone was cleaned out. So now CE was on the KC shopping list. Immediately after landing in the magical city, I was whisked off to dinner, and then a trip to the local Tuesday Morning, but alas!! They were closed! When my friend and I went out on our yarn crawl, the Tuesday Morning in KS was all but sold out as well. But then, I decided to call the first TM I had visited, and guess what?? I was in hog heaven! The kid that worked there told me he couldn't believe that theirs hadn't sold especially since they were located near a retirement home. Thanks a lot, kid! Ya don't have to be a "granny" to knit!! And, if you look closely at the picture--bottom lower right-you'll see a 3 pack of Magic Stripes that was never on the market around here! Thanks to Sock Bug's blog for that hot tip!
And, I had the most unusual magical moment while in KC. Because it's my old stomping grounds, I have a tendency to seek out news about the town, and that includes knitblogs. Well, when I was leaving Yarn Shop and More, I held the door open for a young lass behind eerie feeling came over me, and I took one look at her, and said, "Excuse me..are you Christine?" I think she was as shocked as I was! My first meet up with a fellow knitblogger!!! Who woulda thunk it??? You gotta visit her blog! She's a sassy one, and I love the way she tells a story! Between you and me, she really doesn't look a thing like the pic on her blog...she's a cutie and I can say that from first hand experience! So, Christine, update the blog photo cause ya never know who's looking for ya!! I've provided a link to her blog....Go. Do it. You can thank me later!!
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Kansas City Shennanigans or Objective#3
Objective #3---GET YARN!!!
I did some research before I set off for my trip...namely a list of yarn shops, and of course, what I thought I might be interested in buying. I also thought that it being the end of summer, I might be able to scoop up some good deals on cotton and cotton blend yarns. Boy, was I wrong! But, I am jumping ahead of myself. The first stop was at a quaint shop called Knit-Wit, located approximately 30-35 minutes from where I was staying. All I can say is, " WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH RIDGEVIEW ROAD???" Goodnight! My friend and I had a hell of a time trying to get there. We have those stupid roundabouts in FL, but this was crazy. Anyway, I met the owner, and she kindly let me photograph the shop. Between us, she probably thought I was nuts! As I said, it was very quaint, albeit a bit cramped for space. I would say she caters to more of a traditional crowd. I was only able to pick up some Regia stretch from what was left of her summer sale clearance.
My next stop was at Yarn Shop and More. Wow! Very upscale and decorated all in light woods. Very spacious and what I might say was a bit more trendy. The sales staff was knowledgeable, but were unable to supply me with the size 0 circulars...their advice? Go to Yarn Barn in Lawrence, KS. Oh, how I wanted to go there, but for reasons beyond my control, that was one of two stops I didn't get to make along with The Studio in downtown Kansas City. ( I met a famous person here, but I want to blog about this incident on a separate post!)
My last stop was at KnitCraft in Independence, MO...their lovely downtown area. I had to wait for a city bus to get out of the way to get a picture. Don't let that simple looking storefront fool you. Believe it or not, it was my favorite. Now I grant you, they were not up to date on patterns, but I was able to secure a copy of Vittadini patterns that I have wanted for what seems like forever.-As well as a summer issue of Idee & Filati...another mag I happen to like. The shop had like 15 spinners with nothing but patterns! The back area had knitting machines and an entire area filled with cones of yarn! And for those who like it, an entire wall filled with Cascade 220!! The owner's daughter was running the place, and she was terrific! She showed me a sweater with intarsia she did on the machine. I guess what appealed to me about the shop, was that it was easily shoppable. Oh, and I did pick up some Patons Kroy.-This is not available at the yarn shops in my area and I've wanted to try this stuff out. And my friend, Nettie?? She's about to put me to work on some felted clogs for her made out of Noro! Can ya stand it? The girl doesn't knit, but she picks the good stuff right off the bat! This arrangement works for me too because it's a yarn I've been wanting to try without the expense!! One last detail....a few shops down was a Scandinavian shop where I bought the last tea towel stamped with an image and the words "Chick With Sticks." Love it!
Is there more? Yep...but it can keep til next time!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
What's up with flickr?
Last night was my once a month knitting un-meet up, and all was well. I kept yawning and cut out early. It's always great to reconnect and see the great stuff everyone is working on. I hope to finish my K.C. update over the weekend, and perhaps show my newest WIP.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Objectives #1 and #2 aka dreams do come true
Objective #1 Reconnect with Nettie
She'll probably kill me for posting this pic, but I had to do it! Nettie, as I call her, is my oldest friend. No, I don't mean age wise....we've been friends since we were 19 yrs old and although I relocated almost immediately following the establishment of our friendship, we have the kind of relationship that even though years may go by (in this case, 6 years) we are able to pick up right where we left off! I want to publicly acknowledge her, and to thank her for everything she's done! Love ya, girl!
Objective #2 See "Da Man" and Meet him
This is my favorite artist, and he was not appearing in Fl this year, so what's the next best thing to do? Yep, fly to where he was going to perform...Kansas City! The morning of my flight, I found out he was going to be doing a cd signing, and that's how I finally got to meet him after 33 years!!! I would have posted my pic, but I'm certainly not as photogenic as he is!! As I said, Dreams DO Come True!!! (please ignore the time/date's wrong, and well, the operator of this camera wasn't familiar enough with the functions!)
Knitting? Where's the knitting? Well, there is knitty stuff to discuss, but I think I'll wait til next time! I promise to update more frequently especially since I've joined the Asia Knits Webring! Check it out!
One last thing, and it's a gripe...I haven't posted because of that stupid flickr box that is supposed to show all my FOs. I contacted flickr support, and well, the person wasn't any help. I've now tried to contact blogger. Guess we'll all see what happens.