Sunday, September 25, 2005

My Last Story

Ok, this is the last, but certainly not the least of my stories about K.C. First off, I admit it...I am addicted to Cotton Ease, and being a bit late on the uptake, I didn't stash when the goods were available. I thought there would be some lingering about town, but let me tell ya, everyone was cleaned out. So now CE was on the KC shopping list. Immediately after landing in the magical city, I was whisked off to dinner, and then a trip to the local Tuesday Morning, but alas!! They were closed! When my friend and I went out on our yarn crawl, the Tuesday Morning in KS was all but sold out as well. But then, I decided to call the first TM I had visited, and guess what?? I was in hog heaven! The kid that worked there told me he couldn't believe that theirs hadn't sold especially since they were located near a retirement home. Thanks a lot, kid! Ya don't have to be a "granny" to knit!! And, if you look closely at the picture--bottom lower right-you'll see a 3 pack of Magic Stripes that was never on the market around here! Thanks to Sock Bug's blog for that hot tip!

And, I had the most unusual magical moment while in KC. Because it's my old stomping grounds, I have a tendency to seek out news about the town, and that includes knitblogs. Well, when I was leaving Yarn Shop and More, I held the door open for a young lass behind eerie feeling came over me, and I took one look at her, and said, "Excuse me..are you Christine?" I think she was as shocked as I was! My first meet up with a fellow knitblogger!!! Who woulda thunk it??? You gotta visit her blog! She's a sassy one, and I love the way she tells a story! Between you and me, she really doesn't look a thing like the pic on her blog...she's a cutie and I can say that from first hand experience! So, Christine, update the blog photo cause ya never know who's looking for ya!! I've provided a link to her blog....Go. Do it. You can thank me later!!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Hey babe! Thanks for sending me your link! I'm NOT good with details or memory.... ah well. LOVE the pics, glad your trip to kc was fun. What are you gonna make with all that cotton-ease? I went out to the local TM also and scooped up some only because everyone else was craving it and can't decide what to do with mine.