Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Turkey Day!

I promised an explanation as to why I've practically disappeared from the blogging world, and well, here it is... As many of my devoted readers know, my beloved dog of almost 10 years died in January of this year. The grief really was overwhelming...and starting in April, I feverishly hunted for a new pet. I tried the Humane Society, the county pound, the local papers, the internet, and the pet stores. I spent hours calling the animal hospitals, but still no luck. After several months, I called an ad in one of the free papers, and I think I was the first caller. This poor little boy had been shuffled around...he was a gift to this woman's son, and he didn't want him...nor did the mother. The minute I saw him, I knew he was coming home with me. He will turn one year old in December. The only thing I can do these days in my spare time is play with him! BTW, he thinks yarn is food....ah..yet another excuse not to knit.--but I am. I ripped out the sock, and I'm starting over. Anyway, this year, I have something wonderful to be thankful for..."my little man."

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What's Up, Doc?

Here I am, the horribly negligent blogger finally blogging after weeks of absence. I have 2 reasons as to why I haven't..ok, really one..which I'll post about next time, but I tried to post before Halloween, and stupid blogger was down! Imagine that! Since I have gone back to work (Yuck!) I am on a flex schedule, and most times, it's so late when I get home, I don't knit or blog. I miss reading what everyone's been up to. Also, it's been killing my social more knitting group for me.--at least not lately. Hey, if this post doesn't come out looking right, it's not me...I keep trying to start a new paragraph, and the cursor disappears! Obviously, blogger is having issues today, too. Just my luck. Ok, what I have been doing or not doing in my case. Well, I finished one of my RPM socks, and it's really too big. A rippin' fest for later. Since that happened, I started a "vintage" sweater pattern and the back is almost complete. I'm not so sure I'm likin' it. Worst of all, I want to knit Rusted Root from Zephyrstyle.'s a style right up my alley...but it would also require a trip to the yarn shop (far away one) for the desired Cotton Fleece. Don't know when and if that's going to happen anytime soon. I recently found a sweater at the thrift store that I want to unravel to knit up the wrap top in the latest issue of Knit 1......the sweater is very pilled and needs a shavin'--mine broke when I started using it. I had to make a special trip to Joann's for a new one. Have I done the shaving yet? uh-no! Oh yeah....and my mom is about to wring my neck about those socks I've never finished for her. Again, I need to go to the yarn shop for the right length circs, but I haven't had a chance. Why oh why can't I win the lotto and stay home and knit?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Start Spreadin' The News!

Out blog surfin' and found out that Lion Brand will be bringing back Cotton Ease! Yea!! The best part? They say they will be bringing out new colors!! I can't wait. Here's where I saw the fantastic news....

Friday, September 15, 2006

This one's for you, Ling!!

Wow! I actually have 2 readers to my measely little blog...Just leaving a comment has really made my day, so as I said in the title...Ok. My second entry for the month. Yea! And...(drum roll, please)...I have some FO's for ya!

All the talk I did about this one, so here she is in all her glory...may I present...Molly Ringwald!

This was one fast knit. I finished it in August...that I do remember...took me 2 weeks. I used a #5 circular needle and 5 balls of Jaeger Monte Cristo. I was going to wear it to an interview the other day, but it was a no go...I looked terrible--not the top's fault, let me tell ya.

Then, as I may or may not have mentioned, I decided to design my own top...a vest. I couldn't believe how good it turned out. Alright, I admit, my inspiration was from Anthropologie. If you go to their website, I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out! I used my beloved LB cotton ease, but this time I used #6 straights, and I gotta say, I prefer knitting this yarn on 6's instead of 7's which is what I always used to use. The fabric is much tighter and not so droopy. Live and learn, right? Yep, I finished this in August, too.

I decided to clear away one old project I had started..socks. A simple, k2, p2 using some of the Bernat Sox yarn I got in Kansas City last army hot. Because they are made from 2 different dyelots, the striping effect came out totally weird, but I'm still happy with them. Since they aren't twins, they will have to be "kissin' cousins". Ha!

So since it appears I've gotten my knitting groove back, what will I knit? I've already started another pair of socks! The new Rebecca has some great patterns, but I wasn't ready to tackle anything in there yet. Matter of fact, I'm considering another self design! We shall see...

Monday, September 04, 2006

What's the occasion?

Can you imagine? I am blogging after over a month's's horrible, but I do have my reasons. When you feel out of sorts, nothing stimulates you. 2006 has definitely not been my year, and I'm feeling it. Within a month or so, I may have good news to report, but instead of jinxing myself, I'll leave it unsaid (unwritten) for now.
I have been busy with the crafting, and I do have FO's, but laziness has prevented me from photographing them...and sometimes I don't feel like wrestling with blogger. I finished Molly Ringwald from Knitscene, and if you haven't knit it, you must. The directions were the most concise I have ever experienced. I also finished a vest of my own design. The other self design lost it's steam due to unending ribbing. I am so close to finishing my filet crochet top...however, I overdid it, and my arm, wrist-whole right side of my body is killing me, so I gave it a break. During this time, I started another one, too. Yeah, I am overzealous at times. Currently, I have whipped out another unfinished project-a pair of socks-that I'm hoping will restimulate my interest in knitting.
Sewing? Yep...I finished my Duro dress, but all that's left is the handhemming, and honestly, I'm not up for that drudgery. I am almost finished with a shorts set, but I think the type of jersey knit I am using has too much stretch, and therefore the results have been rather disappointing. The best laid plans...yada, yada, yada.
Hope this post makes my one reader happy---you know who you are, K!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Finished Object Friday!

Since I am sitting around today waiting on the phone repairman, I figured I better get off my duff and post--I hope my reader(s) enjoys this one.
As you know, I've been on a sewing exploration. I learned to sew in 7th grade home-ec, and sucked at it. I'll never forget that horrid jumper I made, and was forced to wear in a school fashion show! I still get chills every time I think of it! In the late 80's, I decided to give sewing another try...I sewed like a mad woman. Was I any good? Nah....but I did enjoy it. Of course, then I decided to learn to knit, and sewing was lost to me again. What inspired me to have another go at the machine was a dress I saw at Forever 21, and well, I should have bought it. It was a sellout at the local stores, and on their website. I even saw 2 being auctioned off on ebay....listen, I was so desperate, I asked my sister to check in CA, ok? Yes, that dress haunts me. So, I said, forget it...I'll try to sew some stuff.
First up, a bevy of blouses...(sorry all the pics are so dark. What does a girl have to do to get a decent shot of her handiwork???) The right hand corner is an apron top I made and drafted the pattern myself. The one on the right is a New Look pattern, and is made with some fabric I got at the thrift store for 99 cents. Lastly, another one I semi was a copy of another top I have from Forever 21. Unfortunately, I goofed and made the bodice too short. I suppose if I had the body of a pre-teen it would fit...uh...not that I'm so buxom as it is. The thing I loved about it was the fabric. It's a jersey knit Cranston Print I got for $1.80.

Two dresses I've done. The one on the right fits me unbelievably well...with my sewing you never know what you're gonna get. Anyway, it's from a Butterick pattern I bought in the early 90's that I never used. Isn't the fabric great? Again, I found it at a thrift store for about $3.00. It was the fact that it had a border print...yes, it's a jersey knit....I love that. The other dress is so cute I could's from a McCall's pattern dated 1969....There's a little belt that fastens around the back with one button. I made it in strawberry fabric I got at Joann's for $6.00. I think it must be a linen blend because it wrinkles like nobody's business. I had to modify the pattern a bit to accommodate my big butt. BTW, I love anything strawberry related and have a collection including switchplates made from wood that I got from the annual Strawberry Festival.

Lastly, I just finished this blouse yesterday. I know it doesn't look like much in the photo, but trust me, it probably came out the best thing I have ever made. There is a method to my madness..I saw the fall catalog for Anthropologie and there was a blouse very similar to this one for $98.00. I decided to make my own. Then, in the ad, the model has on a vest...I am in the process of knitting it... it's Molly Ringwald from the latest Knitscene. (I've done a lot of blog surfin' and it seems like I'm the only one making this one.)

As I promised before, here's a photo of the scoop neck tank I crocheted from lustersheen in winter red, and then the mango mesh tank from lustersheen in jade--both patterns from Crochet! The fit on the mesh tank is fantastic! I can't wait to wear it. Don't hate me, ok? But the yarn for the mesh tank was from the thrift store and I only paid $3.00 for it. All this destashing is great for the soul....Phew! After all that you'd think I was done...NOT! As I said, I'm working on Molly Ringwald and I'm crocheting a shell from a 1970's pattern I found on the internet. Yesterday I cut out another dress, and the plan is to cut out another one tomorrow after I go to Joann's! I figure if I keep up this pace, I actually might get my stash under control someday!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Yes, It's a Knitted FO

This is a knitting blog, and I have been a delinquent blogger. I don't know if it's because I've become too lazy to post or if it's because I feel like I'm cheating since I haven't been knitting. Oh, there's been crafting going on, just not knitting. Anyway, instead of bringing everybody down emotionally, I'll try to make this as snappy as possible.

I had a dog. A very wonderful dog. He died in January of 2006. All I could do was knit I "designed " these socks to commemorate his life. I call them "Butterflies Are Free". I used butterfly eyelet stitch from my trusty The New Knitting Dictionary and did a picot edge. They were done on size 1 circs in Bernat Nylospun. Dull color? Yeah...because I felt took me until this month to finish them. Ok, enough didn't come to this blog for all that!

As I said earlier, my other crafts have keep me busy and have captivated my interest. I am currently enjoying crochet and sewing projects. I finished a summer top yesterday(sewing) but haven't photographed it yet. I finished the red lustersheen tank top and should have posted that as a FO, but again, haven't taken out the camera. Next time I will. I promise. Oh, and I've been back to the thrift store for more treasures! Here's a peek... A bag of patterns for $3.13! Many months ago, there used to be patterns in bags every weekend--it seemed. Then it dried up. I finally hit it, and almost all of them are my size! Can you believe it? Must have been sewing karma.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Summertime Heats Up The Crafting

Maybe because it's sooo hot outside, it "forces" me to enjoy all my crafts. I have finished a few things...and without further ado...

My yellow crochet top made from a free pattern from the Sugar and Cream website. For being a very elementary knit-cheter, I think it came out pretty good. I used an F hook and Aunt Lydia's Baby Denim Crochet. It took about 1 1/2 balls. I think it's a good first project for someone looking to make a garment. Oh, and it was such fun to sit and watch my sister crochet on this when she came to visit in May. Every time she comes to visit, she watches me work on an assortment of projects. She always asks if she can work on them...unfortunately, her leisure time is very limited because of her work and work schedule, so she can't get back into her crafting. But it works for me because I don't mind if she wants help! Gets the project done quicker...and oh, the memory!

I don't know about you, but I'm one of those people who when they see a neat idea, they immediately want to jump on the bandwagon. Yeah, that's how I started sewing again. About 2 weeks ago, I saw this dress, but didn't buy it--long story. I LOVE this print...anyhoo, I've also been reading the wardrobe refashion blog, and the idea hit me. I bought a woman's size 3X caftan and used the bodice part of a Simplicity pattern....and...Voila! I made up the rest of the dress by eye.

Caftan from thrift store-$3.50

Knit fabric for lining-$2.21 ffrom Hancock's

Simplicity pattern-$2.49

Yea for new dresses! It was a grind ripping out the original dress, but I'm totally pleased with how it turned out. I haven't sewn a garment in at least 12 years. I really wanted contrast ribbing like the green dress, but I wasn't able to find any. Neither of the 2 fabric stores had any. It bummed me out, but what can ya do? I might add some sort of belt with the pink fabric I have left. I forgot to add that this is jersey knit fabric which is so great cause there's no ironing.

I do have a knitted FO, but I think I'll blog about that next time. How about seeing what I'm into now? To the right are my camo socks in a simple k2, p2 rib. But oh no! What do we have here?? Why it's another crochet tank made from vintage Red Heart Lustersheen. If you don't have this magazine, I totally recommend it. There are at least 3 other projects in this issue that I'm going to try. The magazine is Crochet!.

BTW, the back is done.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The House Of Horror aka It's Not 6/6/06 Anymore

Things around here have been pretty funky lately...almost like there's a ghost or demon spirit hovering. First, I come home from work, and the house is HOT. The hubbo says, "I think the compressor is going out on the ac because I heard a bunch of grinding noises. I'm thinking...OH NO! A compressor is expensive to be replaced. He wanted me to hear the "grinding", so he turned it back on. The long and short of it? AC is working....and great, I might add.

I guess the refrigerator was jealous of all the attention, so it decided to act up. On my day off I returned home from running errands, to find a HUGE pool of water all over the kitchen floor.---easily cleaned up, but when you opened the fridge, it wasn't as cool as it should be. When hubbo returned home from work, he was furious! Who wouldn't be? Anyway, we decided to call an appliance repair guy the next day because luckily I was off the next day and could wait around for the repair guy. In the interim, I called my dad, and he and my mom came over to take a look see. The upshot here? The leaking stopped on it's own, and the fridge is ice cold again! And you people always wonder why I'm so frustrated.

Now, on with the knitting. Yes, it's a FO! These are mistake rib socks made from acrylic-yes, I said acrylic-yarn from Italy that I got in a bag of thrift store yarn about a year ago. The yarn was simply called...Filato Acrilico by filo d'oro. I used size 1 circs and they fit beautifully! I'll say it again...I love how the heel flap came out looking like fair isle! The irony of all this sock completion? Won't be able to wear them for maybe 6 months or so. The new job has bad ac and it's HOT in there! It's sandals all the time!

I don't think I've ever mentioned this one before. I've had this pattern book for awhile and had coveted this one--even setting aside some of my beloved Cotton Ease for this. When I started experiencing problems with my Rebecca powder jacket, I decided to cast on for this. In the pattern, it stated they wanted you to use "swiss darning"...ok, in English definition is duplicate stitch, and I knew for a fact that is not what needed to be done for the neckline. I took it to my once a month group, and it was decided that it should be tubular cast on....Huh?? Couldn't figure it out. Then, when I finally had a day off, I went to the Monday night group, and someone suggested it might be an I-cord bind off. Possibly. Finally, my "knitting guru", Kathleen showed up and well....see? It's a beautiful neckline! Grafted off! I never would have figured that out on my own! She told me that alot of the Katia books ask for this bind off...that was good to know since I have a few of those pattern books, and had never cracked them open to look. Anyway, a HUGE knitterly thanks and a shout out to Kathleen. If you didn't know-and ya probably don't-Kathleen talked me thru the techinique of socks on 2 circs over the phone after I first met her.

I have made little progress on the yellow crochet top, too...and well, I've been trying to complete sock #2 of my secret sock knitting. I already know what's mom's socks. I keep promising her I'm going to finish them, and she keeps asking for them. It's actually become quite humorous. If you've been reading the blog, you know this has been going on for what? A year?
She has the patience of a saint!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Unfinished business due to new business

I am unable to blog and be as knitty as I would like to be these days. Why? Because I started a new job, and my schedule fluctuates so much that I can't seem to get in a routine. The worst part? I can't socialize with all my knitting friends, and that saddens me. :( I miss the stories and their projects. But what can I do? I gotta work...

Anway, I have been trying to work on stuff....hence, the unfinished business.
What you see in the upper left is my start on the ruffle vest from knit 1, the finished back of my crochet tank, and the never seeming to be finished creamsicle socks. Ya know, this working has somehow cut into my creative juices, and I'm not as inspired to finish. Guess it has to do with missing my peer's knitterly comments.

But, check this out... This is such a cool idea and I am lovin' every second of reading what everyone's doing. Go....check it out!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Crochet Frenzy

It's been awhile, but since my last post I have made some headway...guess you just have to take a step back every now and again to get the machine in motion. Major frustration has been the mood around here, so as I mentioned, I started a new project. It was going to be a simple knit..just a 3 x 3 rib short sleeve summer top....HA! The knitting gods didn't like that! The instructions tell you to knit 6 rows in elastic rib and then use swiss darning. People....this is so like what??? They don't mean duplicate stitch since we are talking about the back neckline. I asked my "advisors" at the knitting group last week and they suggested that it might be tubular cast off. Ok, so I read the instructions for that...seemed like it might be right. Then, I tried it, and it can't be right! Now what???? I feel like I just learned how to knit like 2 minutes ago and the instructions are in some alien language. HELP!!!

Now, I did finish the crochet top that I had to completely rip out the back and redo....I apologize for the crappy picture. I tried to get it so you could see the filet design, but couldn't. I'll probably have to try it again....maybe if I am modeling it.

My post title is crochet frenzy, and it appears that I am in one...this is my latest WIP which is destined to be a summer tank top. It' a freebie pattern from the net so let's see how this goes. Because my sis was here visiting from CA, I let her work on's up to the armhole shaping. Not bad for 1 day's work, huh? While she's been here we went to a bunch of fancy schmancy retail stores (translation: super expensive) and I saw a veritible ton of crocheted clothing! I guess 2006 is the summer of crochet. Everything I looked at, I was like..uh..I could probably make that. So, now that's what I'm trying to do.

Now, in knitting news....I realized I had never photographed this summer cropped tank top I made in the summer of 2002. It turned out to be huge, and I kept thinking I would find someone at work to take it off my hands. I never did. Now it's going to be frogged and will be transformed into the ruffled bra top from the latest issue of "knit 1". Yea! Save money and get a new cute top out of the deal! I love when that happens. Although, wish me luck since I've apparently really p-o-ed the knitting gods.

And I'd also like to say that this issue of "knit 1" was much better than the last one. I love the green cardi, and will knit that a little later on. Plus, I love their idea about the purchased lace and crochet to make the tunic top. Very ingenius. The only quandry I'm in now is...when will I get the time to do all this??

Sunday, May 14, 2006

So not newsy

This has been a horrible week! I didn't bother to take a photo of what is now the back of the crochet top. The assembly of this thing had me in a quandry, but today I figured it out, but still had to tear the %^& apart.
If this wasn't bad enough, and trust me , it threw my mojo into a tail spin, my Rebecca summer cardi is TOO SMALL! Yeah...I know...gauge...whatever!! So I ripped the back out, and will have to make some adjustments. Luckily, there is more than enough yarn.
I have been totally uninspired to knit anything. The other 5000 WIPs just aren't cuttin' it, and with some I am very close to a finish. So what's a knitter to do? Start a new project. Problem is, I'm still not gettin' gauge. Maybe I should just shut up and go read.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Keeping my promise

Ok, I have photos for ya today. First, a FO--crochet tank top . I know I'm no expert, but it did fit, although a bit large around the bust, but all in all, a fast project. The pattern is from McCall's Needlework Spring/Summer 1976. I used an F hook and 5 skeins of Lily Cotton-All that I had in my stash. (Technically, that means I can add 5 skeins to said stash, right?) I started this on 4-28 and finished on 5-2. Faster than knitting, I tell ya.

Now for those of you who've been into all my thrift store yarn purchases, I now bring you the rest of it... 6 skeins of Columbia Minerva "Linspun" in cream and a heathery gray. This yarn is 85 % acrylic and 15% linen. I have no earthly idea what to use it for...oh, and a couple of lone balls of unknown sock yarn, I guess. The next is my wool! 13 skeins of Brunswick Germantown in shamrock, dartmouth green, and cherry smash. (Love those color names!!) Anyway, remember, all this was part of one trip! And I forgot to say that these will eventually become a felted bag...maybe the booga bag.

And, I also stated in my last post that I had acquired a new knitting, here's a pic of it, too. Brand spankin' new from the same thrift shop!! Does anyone know if this is a designer bag? The inside has a tag that says "KMQ Collection". I guess it really doesn't matter, but was just curious.

Am I driving you crazy with all the pics? Ok, last one I latest WIP...filet crochet! I gotta say, this works up so fast, and now I think I'm addicted! Have you seen the latest Tahki Crochet booklet? There were some really cute patterns in there. Since I'm just starting out, I'm going to work with all these vintage ones I have first. Oh yeah...I already boo-booed this one....I didn't get gauge nor had I bothered to measure, so I will be doing a few new "design concepts" instead of ripping out!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Post which is photoless

Many of you may turn around and leave at this point, and I don't blame you. But truly, I've been so busy I can't seem time to take photos, upload them, and wait and see if blogger will indeed upload. Anyway, here's the scoop....I finished my crochet top Yesterday, people! It's a wonder everyone doesn't just crochet-no blasphemy intended to the knitting world-That darn top only took me 5=count 'em-5 days! I promise that my next post will have photos of it, and of the rest of my yarn finds from the previous thrift store trip.

Uh...I have something to confess. I went to the thrift store again today. Yes. I'm an addict. I restrained myself on the yarn...instead I got another handbag. Gulp! I'll show it to you next time, too.

And, I've been somewhat of a gallivanter these days. Flitting from one yarn shop to another for knit night. Tomorrow is another knit night! Yea for knitting! Yea for gallivanting!

One more thing...if you're into crochet at all, you've got to check out the April 29th post here: This is BEAUTIFUL!

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Thrift s(t)core!!

Yeah, like I was sayin' last time...I've been on the move. I absolutely love a deal, and it's even sweeter when it's name brand merchandise! See for yourself. I bought the taupe handbag first. Then, it kept bugging me...I should have gotten the black, too. So, 2 days later I went back for it, and imagine my joy when it was STILL There!!The thrifting gods were smiling on me--unlike the knitting gods, but we won't go there right now. These are Brand Spanking New Liz Claiborne satchels I got for $3.63 a piece. I left the tag on lest you don't believe me. The black one is a tad dusty, but hey! It was still NEVER used! And, of course, if that wasn't enough...and it wasn''s my new stash!

This first juicy item is a bag of 10-count 'em-10 skeins of Brunswick Quick Breeze with the ribbing of a project someone started. I'm going to rip it back and use this to make the peplum sweater in the latest issue of VK. The price tag was left on the bag from the original yarn shop.....$3.00. Can you stand it?? No, I paid more because when you go to this thrift store, they throw a bunch of different stuff into a bag and it's pot luck for anywhere from $5.15-$9.19 for the bag.

Next up for your viewing pleasure, a half knit sweater with the remaining balls. (10 balls, I assume) It's Patons Ascot in a beautiful shade of heathered's a wool/acrylic/viscose blend. I'm thinking something from Patons Street Smart booklet I bought about 2 months ago...

And if that wasn't enough, and it isn't....10 skeins of a delicious pink and 3 skeins of a silvery blue in Brunswick 100% shetland wool!! People, I'm feelin' socks here. Am I right?

Had enough?? No, me either...but I am going to make you wait for my next post from this yarn stash! Because....I want to show off some other things I've been dallying around with. My wee mp3 player desperately needed a better "jacket". Hello Kitty naturalamente! I doubled the flannel and crocheted the drawstring! Wait til you see the next one...And speaking of crochet.....

and I's my latest WIP. It's a tank top from a vintage McCall's Needlework. I'm using some oldie goldie yarn I picked up at the local Wally World from 1990. Knitters always talk about cotton yarn bothering them when they knit, but I can truly say it only bothers me when I crochet. I must be backwards...which reminds knitting group, A, who is a crocheter and recently learned knitting, blurts out that she is a Croknitter! I retort, then I must be a Knit-cheter(pronounced shay-er)! And, I guess I really am!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Longest span between posts?

Blogging hasn't been at the top of my priority list. What has? Actually, many things have captured my attention as of late....I quit smoking very recently and decided that instead of sitting aroung making myself fatter, I'd also go back to the gym and change my eating habits. I figure if I have to suffer, I may as well do it all the way. Let me tell you, eating "good" has it's drawbacks and couple that with "oral" fixation from not smoking...I'm HUNGRY ALL THE TIME!!!! Exceptionally low cal snack ideas would be welcomed!

I figure I'm the last person on the planet to get an mp3 player, but I love this little gadget!! Why didn't I succumb before?? Because I couldn't justify the price of an i-pod just for going to the gym. Being technology impaired, I will say this was pretty darn easy to upload. My hubbo has windows xp on both home computers, but after a bit of trial and error, we discovered that we needed to upgrade the media player! That done, and away I batteries already died, so off to get more! Luckily, Walgreen's had a sale on them today....$.99 for 4.

And, yes, I'm knitting alot , and shopping, too. I wanted to show some more, but guess what? The stupid camera battery died. This house is jinxed. Guess I'm off to Walgreen's again.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Yes, Virginia, there is an Easter Puppy!

Don't ya love stuffed animals? I do...and this one is holiday appropriate! So first let me wish everyone a happy Easter!

I realized last time that I promised a pic of my kool Aid dying experiment, and I didn't do it, so here:

I knit a gauge swatch, measured out how long I wanted each stripe, and then proceeded to wind the wool around 2 chairs--just like what I've seen floating around on the internet. The dying process wasn't as messy as I thought it'd be, and went rather quickly. After rinsing, I hung up this super looooong hank to dry. The day I chose to do this, it must have been 80 degrees out, and the yarn dried in an hour. Now, here's where I goofed. I just brought the whole hank into the living room and thought I'd be cute and wind it into a fancy hank for photographic purposes like the real dyers have done. Ha! It took me longer to wind this up into a ball, and I thought I was going to have tangle city!!! What is the secret for winding it after it's dry??? Put it back on the chairs and go round and round til you're cross eyed again???

I want to try this again (and again) but still can't find any cheapo wool to dye. Meaning a thrifted sweater. Every one I've found has been a "colored" one. And really, I can't see buying more wool at the yarn shop just for this purpose since I'm such an amateur. This stupid ball I did was $6.95.-and there's only 240 yards there. I used 2 packages of grape, 2 of lemonade-don't ask- and one package of cherry. The process is fun, but my results were disappointing. It will be back to the drawing board for me!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Some progress, some new work

Thought I'd share a pic of my mistake rib socks while in progress..
Check out the heel flap! I love how it looks like fair isle...just a reminder, it's that Italian acrylic yarn from the stash.

Then, I've added yet another project to the mountain that I already have. Went to the thrift store and found this project (half finished) in a bag with some other stuff. The yarn I love--Pingouin Fresca-100% mercerized cotton! I want some ideas here. There was no pattern or magazine with this, so I'd have to make a chart. That is, if I continue on....I have this crazy idea to make it into a vest ala "See Eunny Knit". C'mon! I'm open to suggestions!
It looks like it was originally destined to be a pillow. That's all the yarn that came with it. Ok, and if I do go with a to do it??? Help!

Monday, April 10, 2006

FO (to) Finish

Yep, it's another one!
These are Yukon Leaves in LB Magic Stripes Regatta Blue colorway. I used 2 size 1 circs. I was hoping you'd be able to see the stitch pattern, but no go. I recommend this one. There's enough row variation to keep you interested.'s a different shot....I tried to make them matching, but somehow ended up goofing. The sock on the right looks longer and larger just because of the white striping.

Over the weekend, I went to Bradenton to meet my nephew for the first time. I can't believe he's already 4 years old. Meet Red's son....Griffin! Isn't he just the cutest? I made a little mpeg of him running and fetching his ball!

And while I was there, Red was kind enough to take me to a yarn shop. (2 of the 3 I wanted to go to were closed on SATURDAY!!). What's up with that? I realize Sarasota is kind of a retirement place and a resort spot, but really! People who have to work need access to a shop who is open on the weekend! You know, here I am trying to patronize an LYS, but with no luck. No wonder etailers are so successful.

Anyway, I only bought one skein of fingering weight wool to Kool Aid dye. (Pic next time). Can I tell you how disappointed I was in the one yarn shop I visited? First off, it has a great location...but upon entering the shop, I couldn't make heads or tails of her inventory. It wasn't by brand name, nor was it by color or fiber content. I felt I was in cubby hole mishmash! I couldn't tell ya what she had or what she didn't have. I knew I was in trouble when I called and asked what lines they carried. The person that answered was so vague--which made me think immediately there was a problem. The shop owner was nice and willing to help, but it was pointless. It's not that the store was was that all the hanks were just stacked one on top of another in each cubby hole without regard to brand, color, or fiber content. I could tell that Red was getting bored....and she's not even a knitter! Maybe another day I'll be able to visit the other 2. Oh? The shop name? I'd rather not say since it wasn't a favorable review. Maybe they'll get it together so that the next time I'll be able to shop!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

"Random" stuff

If you'll pardon the pun. As you know, I flashed my sock stash, so since I figured I had enough for (gulp) 38 pair of socks, I better get crackin'. On Saturday I finished 1 sock of Yukon Leaves.-I promptly cast on for mistake rib sock 1...check out each side of the lighter, one darker. I think I'll name these "creamsicle" since that's what they remind me of.

And then, did you ever try this? I did and gave it up for strictly(!) knitting... It's kind of nerdy, but in a cute sort of way.

Update on Kool-Aid. Got light and dark green at a different grocery store chain, but alas no wool sweater to be frogged for the yarn dying experiment. :(

Saturday, April 01, 2006

On the Hunt

....for green Kool-Aid. I'm trying to get all the colors available for my yarn dying experiment. Here's what I found today: In talking to Aletris, she mentioned another brand of drink mix that I originally was trying to find since hubbo had suggested it, too. It's called flavr-aid. I want green, but there wasn't one for Kool-Aid.

I finished one sock at group today and then proceeded to cast on for my next socks. These will be mistake rib socks. See? I am trying to use up the stash! Ok...truth be known, I want to dye my own for more sock yarn! My thrift store crawl today was a total bust. Nothing. Guess it's hard to get a 100% wool sweater in FL.

And speaking of FL, I am proud to say I have just joined the Florida Knitters webring! Woo! The best part is I found a fellow knitter whom I've met before , and I'm happy to say she's bloggin' again! Ya gotta love the internet....better than "let your fingers do the walking".

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Another FO for 2006

There you have it! My socks made from the recycled sweater!! I am ready to wear them to work with my pseudo mary janes. If you look closely, you'll see I made a goof...that's what I get for all the laughing and whooping it up at last week's knitting meet. I made a decision not to rip and redo. Why? Just because.
Here's the specs:
Pattern: Panorama socks from 2006 Knitting calendar a Day (July 21st?)
Needles: socks on 2 circs...first size 2 addis only 16 inch...then Susan Bates size 2 24"-much better
Start date: 3-12-06 Finish: 3-25-06
Cost: $1.94 for this nice 50% merino/50% acrylic
There's plenty of yarn left over, so for now it's banished into the ever burdgening stash.

In other news, I met one of my goals for 2006 knittingwise. Kim was kind enough to show me how to do magic loop. Uh...I hated it. I will never use this method. It's not that I don't want to become more efficient at production, because I do. I simply found it uncomfortable and more of a pain in the know where.

And Kim, if you're reading this....yesterday at the LYS, she remarked how I flashed my sock yarn stash. She said "oh, I know you will never use all that yarn. Especially the LB magic stripes." I then pulled out the skein of LB magic stripes in "regatta blue stripe" to cast on for Yukon Leaves. BUSTED!!

And, yeah, I couldn't help myself. I bought a skein of Artyarns Ultramerino 8 in color 130-it's their version of neopolitan. I'm in love......but not with the price. Holy sheep poop! So, I'm waiting for Kim to become the expert I know she will be at dying yarn. She's taken 2 classes so far, and I gave her my recycled silk/cotton to work on. As Artie Johnson used to say..."verrryy

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I'm flashin' my sock stash!!

No, I am not doing this because I have no other blog fodder...(or am I?) I just thought it would be fun since I've seen others do it, and I have enjoyed the images. So, I'll start with vintage yarn...

ok, here's the list, but not in order by the photo:

1. 4-Bernat 50/50 -wish I could get more of this...ebay hasn't helped

2. 2-Plymouth Wool Ray

3. 1 Bear Brand Evermatch..the navy blue disappeared at photo time

4. 2-Filo D'Oro Filato Acrilico

5. 2- Lady Galt Kroy-...again, I'd love more in some other colors...this one's pretty dull

6. 1-unknown yarn "cake"...if you remember, I'm using this to make basketweave socks

7. 1- Junghans-Wolle Dralon Perle

8. 1- Junghans Fidelio

Now for the current stuff...

1. 6-Lion Brand Magic Stripes

2. 7-Bernat Sox

3. 1-Online

4. 2-Lang Jawoll Jacquard

5. 2-Regia Stretch

6. 2-Regia Silk

7. 2-Regia Fadig

8. 2-Patons Kroy

9. 1-Austermann Step

10. 2-Brown Sheep Wildfoote

11. 12-Cascade Fixation

12. 2-Plymouth Sockotta

13. 4-Lorna's Laces

I figure this is enough for 38 pair of socks! Unbelievable. I knew I stashed, so now I HAVE to knit it up. Part of the problem for me is finding a pattern I like. Any suggestions? I rarely like to use the same pattern once I've knit it ....the exception being Grumperina's Jaywalker. Probably the Fixation will be the hardest to find anything for, and yes, I do look at the ones on the sock knitter's webpage as well as Knitty, and other internet resources. I have been considering getting Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush(?) . I hope that's the right author. The other thing I might do is join the 6 sox along. I hear they post patterns there, too. Unfortunately, I'm gonna run...gotta make dinner-Oh, how I HATE to cook!! And, yes, I will be going on Saturday to sit and knit with Kim and A! I can hardly wait!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Debbie Stoller in Tampa!!

Remember my last post about getting Tampa on the knitting map? Well, when I went to the monthly knitting group, Wendy handed out this flyer. I couldn't believe it. Sure, it would be fun to go, but it's basically to promote her latest book on crochet, and I don't suppose she'd appreciate me bringing my knitting book for her to autograph. Not only that, but it's on a Wednesday at 3 pm, and I'll be at work. Kind of a bummer. On the up side, maybe this appearance will lead the way for other knitting celebs to make Tampa a stop--like the Yarn Harlot!

I did get an update on the Knit Out...first, I mentioned it at group, and of course everyone there hadn't heard a thing. I went back to the blog, and she had posted. She mentioned it would be at the Fresh Market, but no other details.

For a change of pace, I went to another yarn shop to knit with gal pals, Kim and A. I had been to this shop once before about 8 months ago, and thought I remembered it's location. What an idiot I am! I ended up driving around for an hour and a half...and then stumbled on it after I had given up! After I related my locational stupidity to the girls, it set off a series of directionally driving impaired stories from A and Kim! We laughed so hard and long that I'm surprised we didn't scare the customers away from the shop! And we were loud!! The tears were streaming down our faces...I needed that. I must say, that even though I didn't go on a spending spree for yarn, the owner was so gracious, and even joined us to sit down and knit when she could. I really enjoyed myself, and I definitely will go back.

And if you're wondering what's happening's what I did Saturday morning.....oh, and March is for frogging, too!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Knit Out-Tampa?

Yesterday while knit blog surfin', I ran across a blog from a gal in Gainesville. In one of her posts she mentions a Knit Out here in Tampa scheduled for March 25th. I commented on her blog, but so far no response. I then went to the Ybor City Chamber of Commerce webpage, but no such event is listed. What's up? I think this is a fantastic idea, and when I read it, I! Now maybe Tampa will be put on the knitting map!! Oh, and I also searched the Craft Yarn Council's page, but only old knit out dates were listed. I want a knit out!!!

Ok, so here's what's going on.. I went to the thrift store again. Sorry the photo quality sucks, but my camera battery is on it's last legs...this is a beautiful cable sweater by Kate Hill (Who is that?) made of merino wool and acrylic in a deep cranberry. I snatched that puppy right up and ran out of the store with it for $1.94. I've been dying to have a pair of socks in this color but wasn't able to find any yarn suitable in my last yarn stashing event. I've also been lurking the Rekal blog for a year...I think it's a super idea, and I've been wanting to try it out. I came home and frantically ripped the sweater apart...ok. I actually only got one sleeve done, but that's not the point. I washed and wound the former sleeve into a hank, and now it's drying. I couldn't get the yarn unkinked! I read that some others hung weights on the yarn, and even had used just another hangar at the bottom of the hank, but it didn't work. I'll bet it's because of the acrylic content! I've decided that I have to try it, and if the kinks make the socks look bad..oh well! However, if it turns out ok, then I'll have a new pair of socks for $1.94. Ya can't beat that! Think about how much you've spent on sock yarn.

Now a gripe. The second thrift store I went to had only 2 lonely skeins of vintage Fleisher's yarn. Aha! I cried. More socks!! But, no price tag. I take it to the counter where the guy at the register rudely said to me.."I'm in the middle of ringing up another customer." I said I only wanted to ask a question. He felt like a fool then. Ok, so he points out the mgr, and says to ask her if she'll price for it for me. Again I was encountered with a person of attitude. She gives me the song and dance about how it will have to go to the backroom to be priced, and then it won't come back on the floor until Monday. I thank her and walk off. She never took the skeins away from me "to be priced". In other words, this was all B.S. Here's why I'm soooo mad. The stuff is donated for free!!! What would it have taken for her to say..take 'em for a buck or what ever. They are in the business to make a profit to support homeless people and give re-education to those who may be unemployable by society's standards! WTF! I could see if I were asking her to price a sofa or something...but please! 2 skeins of yarn!! My rant could go on forever and ever about this since I've been in retail for over 20 years. Let me just say get what you pay for...or in this case, what ya don't get, and what ya don't pay for.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

I'm high on yarn!

First stop...the LYS that's not so's what I got.

Six skeins of Cotton Fleece and some new sock yarn called Austermann "Step". I've never seen this around. It's a very generous 420 meters, but get has aloe and jojoba oil in it so that when you knit, your hands become soft! Who could resist that? Not me, obviously. It was very pricey at $18.50, but I'm all about wanting to try something new. The color isn't the best, but basically there were only 2 colors left, so I chose the one with more browns and olives since I have a lot pants in olive. Oh, and the color of the cotton fleece is "pink diamond". Somehow the vintage knitting mag didn't get in the pic. Oh well...I'll stick to the yarn..

Next stop was Uncommon Threads.. how I love going there. I walk in and there are 2 people from the knitting group....a little while later, a 3rd showed up! I felt like it was old home week! The nice weather certainly brings out the shopper in us! Anyway, what ya see is 6 skeins of Encore for the Must Have Cardigan, 2 Lorna's Laces-colorways Sweetie and Safari- and Regia Silk! I've never tried Encore and I guess it will have to do for the MHC....see, I can't wear wool. Itch City! Sure, there were some other choices, much pricier, but I view this as an everyday type item, so I didn't want to go too crazy. (I was tempted with some soy silk and bamboo yarn at the far LYS). For the Lorna's, I will try very low sockees and see what happens. Get this. I'm even thinking of trying toe up....there's some trepidation here. And how could I pass up Regia Silk??? C'mon.

If you noticed in picture 1, there was a skein missing...yeah, I've started YET another new project!! Some one shoot me now! Those darn people at Rebecca. If only they could have ugly sweater patterns. I'm doing #20 from issue #31. Since I don't gauge swatch...the waistband is the swatch, and I got it dead on. I am having one dilemma, though. The difference in size is 4 inches on the waistband, and now I don't know what to do. I usually make the larger size when it comes to their patterns, but this one might be different. I don't want a saggy baggy cardi...I guess I want it to fit like the model. (Ha! If only I were her size!) And ya know what else? What a dope I am. I have been stashing cotton fleece-2 other yarn hauls-and never knitted it up. This stuff is like crack cocaine cotton! I'm lovin' it! Sorry cotton ease...I have found your replacement.

One last, I didn't sign up for Project Spectrum, but maybe I should have with those yarn choices! :)