Sunday, April 02, 2006

"Random" stuff

If you'll pardon the pun. As you know, I flashed my sock stash, so since I figured I had enough for (gulp) 38 pair of socks, I better get crackin'. On Saturday I finished 1 sock of Yukon Leaves.-I promptly cast on for mistake rib sock 1...check out each side of the lighter, one darker. I think I'll name these "creamsicle" since that's what they remind me of.

And then, did you ever try this? I did and gave it up for strictly(!) knitting... It's kind of nerdy, but in a cute sort of way.

Update on Kool-Aid. Got light and dark green at a different grocery store chain, but alas no wool sweater to be frogged for the yarn dying experiment. :(

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