Sunday, March 19, 2006

Debbie Stoller in Tampa!!

Remember my last post about getting Tampa on the knitting map? Well, when I went to the monthly knitting group, Wendy handed out this flyer. I couldn't believe it. Sure, it would be fun to go, but it's basically to promote her latest book on crochet, and I don't suppose she'd appreciate me bringing my knitting book for her to autograph. Not only that, but it's on a Wednesday at 3 pm, and I'll be at work. Kind of a bummer. On the up side, maybe this appearance will lead the way for other knitting celebs to make Tampa a stop--like the Yarn Harlot!

I did get an update on the Knit Out...first, I mentioned it at group, and of course everyone there hadn't heard a thing. I went back to the blog, and she had posted. She mentioned it would be at the Fresh Market, but no other details.

For a change of pace, I went to another yarn shop to knit with gal pals, Kim and A. I had been to this shop once before about 8 months ago, and thought I remembered it's location. What an idiot I am! I ended up driving around for an hour and a half...and then stumbled on it after I had given up! After I related my locational stupidity to the girls, it set off a series of directionally driving impaired stories from A and Kim! We laughed so hard and long that I'm surprised we didn't scare the customers away from the shop! And we were loud!! The tears were streaming down our faces...I needed that. I must say, that even though I didn't go on a spending spree for yarn, the owner was so gracious, and even joined us to sit down and knit when she could. I really enjoyed myself, and I definitely will go back.

And if you're wondering what's happening's what I did Saturday morning.....oh, and March is for frogging, too!

1 comment:

Katey said...

Authors (the good ones at least) are ALWAYS happy to talk to a fan. And in general are pleased to sign copies of anything that you bring them.

I used to work for Barnes and Noble and worked several big name signing events. The only author I ever saw who was weird about what she'd sign was Laura Schlessinger. (And IMHO she's just weird anyhow.)

So I think that if you can get away to go to the event, you should, and take your books for her to sign. Really.

Writing is a lonely profession, you sit in a room and work and work and work and eventually you have a finished item. I'm sure that Debbie Stoller would love to meet you!