Friday, March 23, 2007

Yes, It's Really Me...

Sorry to say there are no pics, but there will be. My excuse? Work, work, work...yuck! I knit when I can and am frustrated that I haven't finished anything. I am currently knitting the Spicey Tee from Stephanie Japel's book, Fitted Knits. I love her patterns, but I must say, I must be a dummy. I have ripped this sucker 4 times, and I still have way too many stitches. In checking for errata, there's nothing there. The folks in the KAL haven't discussed this one, so I can only conclude that it's the knitter and not the pattern. Yikes!
I do have some new stuff to share, but again, I want to show it in pics. My Little Man is doing well...translation? He still bites and barks, but he's so darn cute you overlook it. I'll have to post a new pic of him, too.
The Patons pattern I was working on is about three quarters of the way done, but I don't have progress pics. After the Spicey Tee, I may crochet something from the latest Rowan book. As I like to's always something.

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