Monday, June 25, 2007

Secret Project Revealed

First off, sorry about the layout on the last post. Still trying to figure out blogger. Anyway, I finally finished my secret project, and I hope you like it as much as I do.

On June 5th, I happened to be off and caught General Hospital. Elizabeth was wearing a cropped cardi in green that literally revved my creative juices. I then went to my fave clothing website, Anthropologie, and lo and behold there she was! Now, i don't know about you, but I can't afford to spend $88.00 on a sweater even if it is adorable. The next best thing is to make your own-which I did.. I went to the thrift store and found this sweater, albeit a bit scroungy, and ran home and washed it. (Happy to say that all the stains came out!) Next came the motif research, and I found this....
I furiously went about crocheting the wheels...I was on a mission! I used vintage thread that I bought on a previous thrift store outing. Here's her unveiling..and the best part? Only cost me $2.00. I think I'll wear her to work today. BTW, this is my 3rd Anthropologie knock off. Gosh, I love their clothing!

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