Sunday, February 17, 2008

Vacation Begins today...

and I'm back with more of my insanity. In my last post, I mentioned an OLD wip.

This is an afghan I started in 1994 for a friend of mine who moved into an apartment complex very close to where I lived. I had such grand ideas of finishing this in no time flat to surprise her with this housewarming gift. Ha!! never happened. This ghan has 20 repeats of a 20 row pattern, and the pattern is wrong, too. Uh...I've only done 6 repeats. I used to tell myself that if I could do 2 rows a day I could finish it in (insert number of days--since I'm too lazy these days to do the math). Ok, so now it's 2008. Wonder how much longer it will be a wip? I hate to tell you, but this isn't my oldest wip. Wonder who could have the record for the oldest wip? That would be neat to know.

I've since stopped the knit1 tunic, and started something else...remember my bit about inspiration. I'm a lot further along than this, but I wanted to show how much yarn I've got since I may run out. BTW, this is yarn I found at a thrift store in 2004. The addis are new, however. When you knit continental, do your shoulders hurt? I also have like carpal tunnel in my right palm. When I knit english, I get horrible tendonitis in my right elbow. A lot of my pain is exacerbated by metal needles, but I didn't have any #4's in nylon.

And again, a doggie baby girl is getting spayed on Monday, thus the vacation. I want to be able to be at her disposal since she's such a "wittle" thing. I'm hoping to accomplish more knitting and some sewing. I did a little pre-vacation sewing..namely, repair work. The baby dog is a chewer, and completely torn up her doggie bed. I replaced the bottom with thrift store fabric, and it came out quite good if I do say so myself. She also destroyed a pillow case for a body pillow, so I made a new one out of an old sheet-this I've done before. I have more repair work lying around, and some alteration stuff. Yuck. I hate being short.

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