Saturday, July 02, 2005

Caught! Like a deer in the headlights...

Today the DH and I had to drive over to another county to pick up a special order for him, so that meant I would be able to visit 2 yarn shops. If you've read my other blog at MSN, you'll notice that this makes 3-count 'em-3 weekends in a row that I have enhanced the stash! It's incredible, but I can't seem to stop. Anyhoo, I my first stop, I picked this up.
It's an older edition of Inspirations --a girl living in the south can't have too many summer knitting patterns! Also, I picked up 3 skeins of Reynolds Saucy in the juiciest shade of rose.

The next place we went was to Uncommon Threads...the owner of the shop is super nice and friendly and it's always a joy to shop there. And before I knew what was happening, I ran into 2 of the people I've met through the knitting groups! Like I said, caught! Forgot to mention that at the first shop, there was another one of the knitters from group! Ok, so on to the purchase... That first one is a pattern for Mystery Twist socks and 2 skeins of Lorna's Laces in an autumnal colorway called Gold Hill. Just beautiful. Then, and the picture does it no justice, I bought 3 skeins of Cotton Classic in a deep brown. Ah, how I love yarn shopping!

Oh yes, and do stop by my other blog ...I've updated the photo gallery. If only I could find a good one for this blog. Now, I'm off to cast on 210 stitches for the lace ruffle for my tank...wait a sec. Are they nuts? 210 stitches? See Ya!

1 comment:

Kamala said...

Hey, So you did even more statsh enhancement before we met at UCT. Where was the first shop? Not the Main Street one I hope, that would be too weird.