Objective #3---GET YARN!!!
I did some research before I set off for my trip...namely a list of yarn shops, and of course, what I thought I might be interested in buying. I also thought that it being the end of summer, I might be able to scoop up some good deals on cotton and cotton blend yarns. Boy, was I wrong! But, I am jumping ahead of myself. The first stop was at a quaint shop called Knit-Wit, located approximately 30-35 minutes from where I was staying. All I can say is, " WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH RIDGEVIEW ROAD???" Goodnight! My friend and I had a hell of a time trying to get there. We have those stupid roundabouts in FL, but this was crazy. Anyway, I met the owner, and she kindly let me photograph the shop. Between us, she probably thought I was nuts! As I said, it was very quaint, albeit a bit cramped for space. I would say she caters to more of a traditional crowd. I was only able to pick up some Regia stretch from what was left of her summer sale clearance.
My next stop was at Yarn Shop and More. Wow! Very upscale and decorated all in light woods. Very spacious and what I might say was a bit more trendy. The sales staff was knowledgeable, but were unable to supply me with the size 0 circulars...their advice? Go to Yarn Barn in Lawrence, KS. Oh, how I wanted to go there, but for reasons beyond my control, that was one of two stops I didn't get to make along with The Studio in downtown Kansas City. ( I met a famous person here, but I want to blog about this incident on a separate post!)
My last stop was at KnitCraft in Independence, MO...their lovely downtown area. I had to wait for a city bus to get out of the way to get a picture. Don't let that simple looking storefront fool you. Believe it or not, it was my favorite. Now I grant you, they were not up to date on patterns, but I was able to secure a copy of Vittadini patterns that I have wanted for what seems like forever.-As well as a summer issue of Idee & Filati...another mag I happen to like. The shop had like 15 spinners with nothing but patterns! The back area had knitting machines and an entire area filled with cones of yarn! And for those who like it, an entire wall filled with Cascade 220!! The owner's daughter was running the place, and she was terrific! She showed me a sweater with intarsia she did on the machine. I guess what appealed to me about the shop, was that it was easily shoppable. Oh, and I did pick up some Patons Kroy.-This is not available at the yarn shops in my area and I've wanted to try this stuff out. And my friend, Nettie?? She's about to put me to work on some felted clogs for her made out of Noro! Can ya stand it? The girl doesn't knit, but she picks the good stuff right off the bat! This arrangement works for me too because it's a yarn I've been wanting to try without the expense!! One last detail....a few shops down was a Scandinavian shop where I bought the last tea towel stamped with an image and the words "Chick With Sticks." Love it!
Is there more? Yep...but it can keep til next time!